



2013年4月19日,沈阳机床股份有限公司(“沈阳机床”)以5.58元/股的价格完成非公开发行 A股2.2亿股,募集资金总额为122,760.00万元。本次非公开发行项目已于2013年5月13日公告,上 述新增股份将于2013年5月14日在深圳证券交易所上市。第一创业摩根大通证券有限责任公司(“ 一创摩根”)担任本项目独家保荐机构和独家主承销商。

沈阳机床现为中国最大的机床企业,其控股股东沈阳机床(集团)有限公司以2011年27.8亿美 元的机床业务收入位居世界机床制造企业第一。本次非公开发行为沈阳机床1996年IPO后的首次增 发,为其后续一系列资本运作拉开了序幕。本次成功募集资金完成后,沈阳机床将进一步提高技 术实力,以蓄势待发之势迎接即将到来的下一轮高速发展周期。

本项目为一创摩根首次以独家保荐机构、独家承销商完成股票项目,展示了强大的保荐、承销 综合服务能力。本项目也是一创摩根首次独立服务大中型国企的项目,我们在解决国企遗留问题 的过程中充分展现了智慧与技巧,凭借与监管机构强大的沟通能力,设计的相关方案获得各方高 度认同。此外,本项目发行时恰逢国内股市低迷、非公开发行面临巨大销售压力之日,一创摩根 凭借出色的组织路演推介能力和出色的投资者沟通能力,准确把握时机并成功推动、完成此次发 行,在发行人和资本市场方面树立了专业、高效、勤勉、尽责的卓越形象,彰显了一创摩根强大 的销售实力。

On 19 April, 2013, Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (SMTCL, 000410.SZ) completed its 2013 Private Placement of 220 million shares successfully with the offering price of RMB 5.58 per share. RMB 1.2 billion was raised and the new shares are to be listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 14, 2013. J.P. Morgan First Capital (JPMFC) acted as the sole sponsor and  sole lead underwriter.

SMTCL is now the biggest machine tool company in China, and its controlling stakeholder Shenyang Machine Tool (Group) Co., Ltd. ranks No.1 among world’s machine tool companies with an income of USD 2780 million in the machine tool business in 2011. The Private Placement was the first follow-on financing for SMTCL since IPO in 1996 and it acted as the start of a series of subsequent capital operation in the near future. Its success in raising capital through the deal is to enhance its technology strength in the adjustment stage of macro-economy cycle and to help embrace the next brilliant opportunity for further development in the near future.

This is the first Equity-related deal led by JPMFC deal as the sole sponsor and sole lead underwriter, demonstrating JPMFC’s strong capability in sponsoring and underwriting service. It’s also the first time for JPMFC to serve large-and-medium-sized state-owned enterprises independently, which fully demonstrates its wisdom and skills in advising state-owned enterprises on their historical remaining issues. JPMFC’s also earned credits for its strong communication skills with key regulators as well as its extraordinary solutions. As the A-share market was slumping and there was huge pressure for private placement sales, JPMFC was able to organize road-shows efficiently and communicate with all kinds of investors thanks to our strong network, finally grasping the market window accurately and successfully acting as a bridge between the issuer and capital market, which proves that JPMFC is a professional, efficient, diligent, conscientious and excellent security firm on the capital market and its strong capability in sales.

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